Proffessor Liuhe (Mark)Li
Room B107, New Main Buliding School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Xueyuan Road, 83# , Beijing, P. R. China. Tel.&Fax: 86-10-82338135 E-mail:  BIOGRAPHY Liuhe (Mark) Li was appointed Professor at the Beihang University in July 2009 . He received his BS in Welding Methods & Equipment from Zheng Zhou University in 1994. Under the supervision of Prof. Lifang Xia, He received his PhD and MS degree in Material Science & Engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Heilongjiang Province, in 1996 and 1999, respectively.
In his current appointment, He is the head of Department of Materials Processing & Controlling and leads a large research group specializing in materials and applied plasma related technologies. In addition to leading a number of large National Science and Technology Major Project, several projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China, he is also responsible for major industry sponsored projects on surface modification of tools, Bearings and Moving Parts. He is also the designer of several Physical Vapor Deposition equipments both for several famous Institutes of Chinese Academy of Science and for some companies. He has received a number of prestigious prizes for her work including the Winner of Education Ministry's New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Plan, Beijing’s Excellent Talents Supporting Plans. He also awarded the Second Prize for Progress in Science and Technology from Shanghai Province in 2012. Liuhe (Mark) Li has authored and co-authored over 170 refereed journal articles, 3 book chapters and holds 8 China patents and 3US patents. His group undertakes research into exciting new areas of applied plasma physics that have practical 'real world' applications in industry, materials and the environment. The research group currently has major projects underway in the areas of:
novel plasma deposition and processing methods to create new materials;
the development of thin film materials for application in the Mechanical Engineering, and Aeronautics and Astronauts industries;
materials for novel applications with super properties such as super high hardness, super low coefficient of friction, special surface energy.
The group has a number of high quality analysis methods available in our labs for the creation and characterization of plasma, thin film materials.
 ACADEMIC BACKGROUND: · 2009,7-present Professor, Beihang University. · 2001,6 –2009,7 Associate Professor, Beihang University. · 1999,9-2001,6 Postdoctoral Fellow, Beihang University · 1999,PhD in material science, Harbin Institute of Technology · 1996, MPhil in material science, Harbin Institute of Technology · 1994,BS in welding, Zhengzhou University  ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS:
 AWARDS: · Elitist of Beijing Prize, 2007 · New Century Elitist of China , ministry of education, 2008 · Second-Rate Prize of Science and Technology awarded by the Ministry of Shanghai, 2009 |